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5 ways to prioritise your health

It can be hard to constantly think about prioritising your health. Life is busy and most people have lots to juggle with work and home life. In order to prioritise your health, consistently and longer term it is critical to make a plan and hold yourself accountable. Here are five simple steps for accomplishing this: […]

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Do I need to prioritise my health?

Do you ever wonder whether you need to prioritise your health? Many people aren’t tuned in to their body and aren’t aware until it is too late of the effects that stress is having on them. We have put together a helpful checklist for you to assess your state of health. Simply answer the questions […]

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Top tips to prioritise your health today

Many people aren’t tuned in to their body and aren’t aware until it is too late of the effects that stress and poor wellbeing is having on them. If you’re feeling low on energy or are feeling tired, take a look at these 5 ways to prioritise your health today. Sleep and wake up earlier […]

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Prioritise your health in these 5 easy steps

There is no doubt that the pace of life is very busy. It can be easy to forget to focus on healthy lifestyle habits that keep us feeling good and looking after ourselves. It is all too easy after a busy day, to reach for something quick to eat, or make excuses for not exercising. […]

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5 Benefits of Exercising outside

As the days get longer and the weather gets colder it is tempting to hibernate but did you know that exercising in the cold actually has some advantages. 5 Benefits of Cold Weather Workouts: 1. You burn more calories. For many people this is probably the best and main reason to exercise outside. According to a […]

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Spice up your diet by eating these six herbs and spices and reap their amazing health benefits!

Spice up your diet by eating these six herbs and spices and reap their amazing health benefits! Throughout history many herbs and spices have been celebrated, not only for the flavours they bring to culinary practice, but also for their healing and medicinal purposes. Herbs and spices have both antibacterial and antiviral properties and most […]

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World Mental Health Day 2018 – Young people and mental health in a changing world

Did you know that approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year? It has been reported that in England alone 1 in 6 experience a common mental health problem, for example depression or anxiety, in any given week. Even more worryingly, around 1 in 10 children and […]

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6 Reasons you’ll benefit from a social media detox

  Did you know that on average a person checks their phone 150 times a day? We can be sat at the family dinner table and rather than conversing together, our heads are slumped and our concentration is given to the filter on our latest Instagram post; falling into the false reality of the social media […]

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6 Stress busting exercises to help increase your wellbeing

When you’re feeling particularly stressed, the last thing you probably want to do is exercise, but it’s one of the best remedies for tackling your stress! Taking part in physical activity helps to increase the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, endorphins which contribute to relieving your stress levels. As well as busting stress, exercising […]

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Foods that can improve your sleep!

Struggling to fall asleep? Why not try the following foods that are said to improve sleep quality and quantity! 1. Kiwi It has been thought that eating 1 or 2 medium sized kiwis can help sleep. A study has suggested that Kiwi is one of the best foods to eat to improve sleep quality. Kiwi […]

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Exercise for Mental Wellbeing

Exercise is a vital element to ensure optimum wellbeing. Finding the best kind of exercise for you, could be the key that you need to unlock the door of psychosocial rewards associated with exercise. Any physical activity increases endorphins, which improves your happiness levels. Happiness is a factor of wellbeing which is why we recommend […]

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Would you put the tech down for Gardening?

As stress and poor mental health increases (four in five of us admit to being stressed), technology has been said to be a contributing factor to poor mental health. Recently this seems to have been covered a lot in the press with addiction to technology becoming a popular theme; for example, many of us feel […]

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Links between Stress and the most common causes of Death

After attending a recent nutrition workshop, it became apparent that stress can be linked to every major health problem. The top 4 causes of death within the UK are; Dementia, Heart Disease, Cancer and Diabetes. Although, since 2001 the “death rates from heart disease and stroke have halved for both males and females” and during […]

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Is having an office based job ruining your wellbeing?

We recently read some statistics which stated that a high percentage of us sit at our desks for more than 6 hours a day at work. As much as we do not really think about how long we are sat for, sitting for too long encourages bad wellbeing in many ways. Sitting for extended periods […]

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Is Stress shrinking your brain?

Here at The Stress Management Society, believe that there is no such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ stress, there is just one stress response. We are all under constant pressure nowadays due to technology increases and societal changes which only heightens our stress levels. As many of us know, decreasing stressors in your life is […]

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Top 5 Threats To Male Health

As last week was men’s health awareness week, here at The Stress Management Society, we wanted to delve deeper into the topic. Males have a tendency to naturally shy away from discussing their health or health related topics. As long as, their role in society is able to be fulfilled, they consider themselves ‘healthy’. However, […]

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Do you instinctively reach for the bottle after a stressful day?

Earlier on in the year we sent out a lifestyle survey to our database. Results show that 12.1% of people drink alcohol as a way to combat stress. The other choices for this particular question in the survey were: exercising, meditating, eating unhealthy, smoking and engaging in a hobby. So why do so many people […]

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How can you beat ‘National Sickie Day’?

According to the Timeware report on Absenteeism, in 2015 organisations in the UK suffered enormous costs as a result of employee absenteeism. The first Monday in February notoriously sees the highest percentage of people calling in sick, which is why it has gained the name of the annual ‘National Sickie Day’. With credit card payments […]

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Are you aware of how your employees’ physiology affects your business?

Physical therapies are becoming increasingly common in the workplace as organisations look to develop and implement a culture of wellbeing. Our physiology often affects our psychology and therefore if employees are tense and experiencing musculoskeletal discomfort, it will affect their concentration, productivity and efficiency when at work. Tension accumulates in the neck, shoulders and back […]

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Taking control of absence

At some point we will all experience sickness absence. Infrequent and genuine absence should not usually be a problem. However the Bradford Factor (a human resource management tool for measuring worker absenteeism) suggests that short frequent and unplanned absences are even more disruptive than longer absences. When, absence becomes part of the corporate culture, or […]

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Men are most at risk for stress; how can we beat it together?

This week is Men’s Health Awareness week and this year the focus is ‘together we can beat stress.’ Now, when we talk about men and health people often assume we’re talking about fitness; however fitness is only one aspect of health. Health includes elements of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Did you know? 10% […]

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How does stress affect our health?

One of the difficulties with stress is that people experience stress in different ways. This contributes to stress manifesting itself differently. So it would be wrong to over generalise when giving advice on how to identify stress in others. However, what we can say is that because stress has negative effects, it will usually manifest […]

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What’s the link between stress and poor health?

Are you aware of the effects poor health can have on your well being? The physical effects of stress on the human body are well documented: when your mind is not functioning optimally or is plagued by negative thoughts and emotions, eventually your body will suffer the consequences.Let’s look at a few key examples of the […]

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