Day Twenty-Five

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Hello Pausers, how are we all?

This is it.  We’re on the home straight of the 30 Day Challenge – we’re nearly there, can you see the finish line? 

Aha, caught you – living in the future!

Many of us find ourselves living in the future, living somewhere that doesn’t exist – it hasn’t happened yet.  How many of you find yourself running ‘What if…” stories through your mind? 

We all tell ourselves stories, we love to listen to other peoples stories and compare them with our own.  Our minds will create scenarios of things in the future, of ways we could have reacted in the past, of things that will not or could not happen in reality…that’s what the mind does;  if it is asked to be still, it screams for attention like a child in a tantrum.

We wanted to take this opportunity to remind you all to…pause.  Be Here Now – it was even one of our ground rules in the workshop back in October, where you set your intentions for your daily practice.

What is your practice?  Are you being consistent?  Have you found reasons not to do it? Have you found your mind wandering?  Have you found yourself dialling it in on autopilot? 

Promise yourself today that you will pause, everything and everyone else can just wait. What version of you would they prefer: the no pause you, or the Pauser you?