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5 ways to prioritise your health

It can be hard to constantly think about prioritising your health. Life is busy and most people have lots to juggle with work and home life. In order to prioritise your health, consistently and longer term it is critical to make a plan and hold yourself accountable. Here are five simple steps for accomplishing this: […]

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Assess your breathing

The three most vital things we need to do to stay alive are breathe, drink water and eat food. You can go for several weeks without eating, and days without water, but we can only got for minutes at the most without breathing. Ensuring that body is well oxygenated is is vital to better equip […]

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Drink up for a good night’s sleep

Do you want to wake up more refreshed? Our sleep needs change at different times of life, but there is nothing better than waking up feeling completely recharged and rested after a good night’s sleep. sadly for many of us this doesn’t actually happen very often. According to sleep expert Dr Nerina Ramlakhan when it […]

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Assess your diet

Like oxygen and water, food is vital for our health and wellbeing. Food is our energy source and provides us with the nutrients we need to grow, fight disease and repair. Food can also either be the case of stress (as organs try to metabolise what we eat and drink), or it can aggravate  and […]

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Assess your hydration levels

Water is the most important nutrient for our bodies after oxygen. Water is vital for the proper processes in our body to function properly and our skin looks better when it is properly hydrated. Proper hydration levels vary from person to person and on activity levels – whether that amount is 6 cups per day, […]

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Pets help with exercise

A new poll has shown that pets of all kinds help older adults cope with health issues, stay physically active, and connect with others. In the poll, 55% of adults ages 50 to 80 said they have a pet—and more than half of those have more than one. More than three-quarters of pet owners said […]

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Assess your mindset

Being in control of your thoughts increases your ability to find solutions to challenging situations and to deal more effectively with stress. Master your mind and you will never wonder how to deal with stress again. We have put together a helpful checklist for you to assess your mindset. Simply answer the questions below to […]

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Become a better estimator of time

In order to become more efficient at managing time and planning your time it is crucial to get better at estimating the amount of time things will take. Like any form of exercise the more you practise this, the easier it will become so try and make a time management exercise part of your regular […]

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Why say no?

Do you feel like you are trying to take on too much? Are you trying to cram too many activities in to too little time? Do you feel like you are constantly rushing from one thing to another? If you have answered yes to all or most of these questions then you may need some […]

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Why do we find it hard to say no?

We have all been there . Someone has asked us to do something that we really want to say no to, but we find ourselves saying yes and doing it anyway. So why do we find it so hard to say no?   Why we find it hard to say no? To learn to say  […]

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Myths about time management

Time management is an important stress-management technique and is crucial in today’s always-on world. We often here lots of reasons why people don’t feel that they need to improve their time management skills so we thought we would address some of these here! Do you recognise any of them?   Time management myths   MYTH: […]

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Using affirmations to change your mindset

Positive affirmations can be a powerful tool in transforming the negative power of the little voice in your head and turning it into a positive, motivational and affirming little voice. We wanted to give you a list of some affirmations that you can use, that are designed to reduce stress, increase feelings of personal power […]

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Assess your Exercise levels

When your body foes into a state of stress, it is expecting some kind of physical activity. One way to take control of stress is to give your body what it was anticipating ie physical activity. Have you ever engaged in exercise after a stressful day? Ask yourself how did you feel once you had […]

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Fresh produce aids mental wellbeing

It is well known that eating lots of fruit and vegetables is good for your physical health – we have all heard the saying ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’! However the latest research suggests that it is also beneficial for your mental health. The University of Leeds ran a study across 40,00 […]

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6 reasons to drink up

We all know how important it is to drink water. Water is the most important nutrient for our bodies after oxygen. The human body is approximately 70% water, so when we haven’t drunk enough water, our energy levels are lower and we feel more tired.   So why should we drink up? Water cleanses the […]

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Breathe for stress relief

What are the three most important things that we need to do to stay alive? Breathe, drink water and eat food. when we are stressed it has an impact on our breathing so having a simple exercise to hand to use in these situations is very useful. The following technique can be done anywhere and […]

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5 ways sleep will improve your wellbeing

A good night’s sleep is incredibly important for your health. Anyone who has had a good nights sleep know the feeling of waking up well rested and feeling on top of the world. Sleep is just as important as eating healthy and exercising for your overall wellbeing as sleep is nature’s healer. Here are 5 […]

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Do I need to prioritise my health?

Do you ever wonder whether you need to prioritise your health? Many people aren’t tuned in to their body and aren’t aware until it is too late of the effects that stress is having on them. We have put together a helpful checklist for you to assess your state of health. Simply answer the questions […]

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Top tips to prioritise your health today

Many people aren’t tuned in to their body and aren’t aware until it is too late of the effects that stress and poor wellbeing is having on them. If you’re feeling low on energy or are feeling tired, take a look at these 5 ways to prioritise your health today. Sleep and wake up earlier […]

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4 ways to disconnect this International Wellbeing Wednesday

Today is International Wellbeing Wednesday and this year’s theme is Disconnect to Reconnect. We live in a time where we are more connected than ever before, but yet life in our digitally switched on age is extremely stressful. According to a report by Ofcom we now spend on average 24 hours a week online, which […]

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Learn to say no

I personally have a hard time saying no to people. It is so much harder to say no than yes and I can feel like I am letting people down if I don’t say yes. Inevitably though by taking more things on, the only person I am harming is myself, as it usually leads to […]

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The 80/20 time management technique

  Time management is an important stress-management technique. If you fail to master your time, you will get overwhelmed , stressed and your productivity and efficiency diminish. Time management helps you to reduce long-term stress by giving you direction when you have too much to do. It also puts you in control of where you […]

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Simple ways to change your mind

Researchers in stress have discovered that by changing certain aspects of your body, your thoughts and your feelings can be changed too. Our state of mind can have a significant impact on our physical state. For example if you believe that things are overwhelming, and that you cannot cope with the stress, u will convince […]

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4 stress-busting forms of exercise

All forms of exercise, from yoga to pumping iron can provide stress-relieving benefit. Even if you are not an athlete, a little regular activity can take you a long way in helping manage your stress levels. The following 4 forms of exercise have specific benefits for stress relief. Yoga Yoga is fantastic for health, wellbeing […]

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Breakfast – is it setting you up for the day?

  First thing in the morning your alarm goes off (causing stress)  and you drag yourself out of your nice and comfortable bed. You reach for your first cup of coffee and probably a food high in refined sugars like a slice of toast or a sugary cereal. By the time you get to work […]

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How do you know if you are dehydrated?

Staying hydrated is key to staying healthy. So how do you know if you are dehydrated? Well there are a number of signs that could indicate that you are dehydrated: Do you feel thirsty? If you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated and need to start drinking water. Do you feel tired, confused or angry? […]

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Alternate nostril breathing for stress relief

Oxygen is the most important nutrient of the body – every cell needs it to function efficiently. The brain is the largest use of oxygen, even though it only takes up less than 5%  of the body’s total weight. Breathing helps ingest oxygen to be transported all over the body through the bloodstream and it […]

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3 of the best supplements to help you sleep

For some people sleep comes easily and they constantly get a good night’s sleep. For others they find it hard to fall asleep, or stay asleep with a disturbed night’s sleep being a common occurrence. Over 50% of adults have insomnia a few nights a week, which is a worrying statistic. Sleep is essential to […]

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Prioritise your health in these 5 easy steps

There is no doubt that the pace of life is very busy. It can be easy to forget to focus on healthy lifestyle habits that keep us feeling good and looking after ourselves. It is all too easy after a busy day, to reach for something quick to eat, or make excuses for not exercising. […]

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Destress this Christmas

Tis the season to be jolly! Is the run up to Christmas more “Ho Ho Ho” or “Oh No!”? Upon hearing the word Christmas, some light up with joy and excitement, but others begin to start worrying. It seems like December is a month where there is always so much to do and so much […]

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