Please read the Coaching Agreement and click the ‘I Agree’ button to begin the Coaching Starter Form
What your coach/counsellor expects from you
- Always attend all meetings on time
- Always be prepared for the session
a) Check what you have achieved against your tasks
b) List what is still outstanding with your explanation for not completing the tasks and email to coach 24 hours prior to your next session (if you have booked more than one session)
c) Consider what actions may be necessary prior to sessions - Be honest at all times.
- You agree that your coach can challenge you if you are deceiving yourself or on any areas they see appropriate to do so
- Be willing and enthusiastic about trying new methods that your coach may suggest from time to time
- Accept and willingly work on direct, honest feedback received
- At all times work in partnership with your coach
- Be prepared to work on all areas of your life with your coach
- Arrange for payment to be made in advance of all sessions
- If you require a receipt request it in advance
- Send any forms back promptly and fully completed
- Be prepared to step outside your comfort zone
What you can expect from your coach/counsellor
- Conduct all of your coach’s dealings with you in absolute dignity, respect, honesty, confidentially, and as an equal
- Always conduct the session with integrity, responsibility and accountability
- Always attend all meetings on time
- Always be prepared for your session
- Treat all information discussed with you or written to you, with confidentiality. Your coach will not divulge any part thereof to any third party according to the Data Protection Act 1974/1998 amendments. (Excluding the Police or a legal body)
- Be committed to both the spirit and the letter of any agreements made with you
- Not to defraud, misrepresent, deceive or mislead you
- Recommend the services of other institutions or professionals if appropriate to your outcomes. These services are offered without liability, obligation or redress to my company or myself
- Share with you all their knowledge, skills, experience and expertise where appropriate and when they deem necessary
- Challenge any self-deceptions that hinder your progress towards your ultimate outcomes
- Give you all the assistance, help, support, encouragement, and guidance in fulfilling the outcomes
The sessions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you discussed with your coach or have read on our website.
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