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Why say no?

Do you feel like you are trying to take on too much? Are you trying to cram too many activities in to too little time? Do you feel like you are constantly rushing from one thing to another? If you have answered yes to all or most of these questions then you may need some […]

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Why do we find it hard to say no?

We have all been there . Someone has asked us to do something that we really want to say no to, but we find ourselves saying yes and doing it anyway. So why do we find it so hard to say no?   Why we find it hard to say no? To learn to say  […]

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Learn to say no

I personally have a hard time saying no to people. It is so much harder to say no than yes and I can feel like I am letting people down if I don’t say yes. Inevitably though by taking more things on, the only person I am harming is myself, as it usually leads to […]

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World Mental Health Day 2018 – Young people and mental health in a changing world

Did you know that approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year? It has been reported that in England alone 1 in 6 experience a common mental health problem, for example depression or anxiety, in any given week. Even more worryingly, around 1 in 10 children and […]

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The time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time!

Lack of time is a common stressor for many nowadays, and sadly for many, the motto ‘Time is money’ has been drilled into our brains. When we feel that we do not have enough time to get everything on our bridges done, many of us tend to panic. Due to this, we neglect our own […]

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How to manage your time effectively

If you are determined to improve your productivity this year, then we recommend that you try to adopt Steven Covey’s ‘Time Management Matrix’ in all aspects of your life. From using it in your everyday life like buying bread at the shop, replying to an email at work or even taking the kids to school, […]

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Top tips for communicating with people who are stressed!

Knowing how to deal with someone who has confided in you that they are stress can be a delicate balance to master. Often this conversation can be out of the blue, which may leave you feeling helpless and not knowing how to approach or respond to the conversation. So what are the best things that […]

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Communicating stress in a workplace

Given the expectation of discrimination and even dismissal, many people with stress  go to great lengths to prevent colleagues and managers knowing they are or have been ill. This attempt at concealment can make people reluctant to request time off for hospital or therapy sessions and reduce their chance of obtaining appropriate help from occupational […]

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What to do if the conversation you are engaging in becomes stressful

We have all been in this situation. You are trying to resolve some issues and the conversation is getting really stressful. If you tend to avoid stressful situations, then this is a sure way to bring the conversation to an abrupt end, but then the issues haven’t actually been resolved. Alternatively for some this would […]

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Ways to more effectively communicate when you’re stressed!

When we decide to open up about stress, whether we have been bottling it up for a while, or have only been stressed for a few hours, it can sometimes be very hard to communicate it in the way in which we want it to be perceived. This can only heighten peoples nerves surrounding opening […]

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Here’s our top tips to help freshers manage their stress

61% of students rate the stress of their degree 7/10 or above It’s normal for students to have a lot on their minds. Maybe it’s the next exam or essay deadline, or perhaps learning more about managing money has led to an early-term overspend. These things are all part of student life – but for […]

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Saying NO is Selfless not Selfish!

NO is seen as such a negative word but it is all about perception. Saying no can be seen as selfish, but often saying yes is actually the worse option. Saying yes and then not being able to give the best version of you, giving low-quality time or effort is much more upsetting than saying […]

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Saying No with Confidence

It is true that some stress is caused by agreeing to do something that at that particular time you don’t have the capacity for. Someone else’s task has been delegated to you, which causes your stress levels to spike. To learn to say no confidently, we have to first understand why we resist, some common […]

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