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Stress Awareness Month 2022

Stress Awareness Month has been held every April since 1992 to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic. Despite this running for 20 years, we have got a long way to go.  Millions of us around the UK are experiencing high levels of stress and it is damaging […]

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4 ways to disconnect this International Wellbeing Wednesday

Today is International Wellbeing Wednesday and this year’s theme is Disconnect to Reconnect. We live in a time where we are more connected than ever before, but yet life in our digitally switched on age is extremely stressful. According to a report by Ofcom we now spend on average 24 hours a week online, which […]

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Destress this Christmas

Tis the season to be jolly! Is the run up to Christmas more “Ho Ho Ho” or “Oh No!”? Upon hearing the word Christmas, some light up with joy and excitement, but others begin to start worrying. It seems like December is a month where there is always so much to do and so much […]

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World Mental Health Day 2018 – Young people and mental health in a changing world

Did you know that approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year? It has been reported that in England alone 1 in 6 experience a common mental health problem, for example depression or anxiety, in any given week. Even more worryingly, around 1 in 10 children and […]

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Change Your World Conference 2018

Our Chief De-Stressing Officer, Neil Shah, will be chairing the ‘Change Your World’ conference this year!   The Change Your World Conference is all about inspiring you to make positive changes and transform your life because we know at Change Your World, Changing Yourself, Changes Everything. Hear the UK’ s leading motivational speakers, coaches & health […]

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International Stress Awareness Day 2017

Today is International Stress Awareness Day and this year’s theme is Speak Up and Speak Out. We are delighted that this years theme is all about communicating stress, as it is only by talking about stress and its effects that we can remove the stigma associated with it. Communicating effectively can be difficult during stressful […]

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Have you ever felt lonely?

Have you every felt all alone, isolated or lonely? Have you ever found yourself with no-one to turn to or talk to? I have felt that way several times in my life and when I was asked to appear on Sky News Sunrise last week to talk about Male Loneliness it brought back a lot […]

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Let’s talk about Depression

World Health Day – celebrated on 7th April every year to mark the founding of the World Health Organisation. The theme for this year was ‘depression – let’s talk’. Depression affects people of all ages, from all walks of life, in all countries. It causes mental anguish and impacts on people’s ability to carry out […]

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National Spring Cleaning Week

National Spring Cleaning Week is running 6 – 12 March 2017 and is encouraging us not only to think about what needs cleaning but what needs clearing in our lives too. Their research last month found that: 45% of people admit to feeling more productive having a tidy and clean home 48% stated that having […]

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The Ultimate Wellbeing Environment – The Lighthouse

It is International Wellbeing Wednesday on 1st February and this year the theme is all about “change your environment, change your state”.   So what better way to kick off the week than by showing you our “Ultimate Wellbeing Environment” at The Stress Management Society Headquarters! We are based in “The Lighthouse”, a light and bright […]

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Would you like to finish early today?

What would you do if you could regain a couple of hours a day to rest, exercise or pursue a hobby you didn’t have time for before? If you think this is the stuff of fantasy, think again. Employers are discovering that reduced working hours are having a big impact on productivity and creativity in […]

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Top 10 Tips on Financial Stress

Money is a major cause of stress. One’s financial situation, whether that is your own or how you perceive others, is a big cause of stress and anxiety issues in today’s society.   Check out these Top 10 Tips on how to deal with your financial stress: 1. Don’t hide! Our study found that people […]

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Can stress actually be beneficial to our performance?

With the Olympics over for another 4 years let’s reflect on the pressure and stress the Olympians have to deal with. They face fierce competition; they are under a global spotlight, the hopes of an entire nation and personal goals resting on their shoulders. Now that the pressure is off it’s important for them to […]

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What’s the biggest killer of men under 45?

Last week I was nominated for the #22kill challenge – 22 push-ups a day for 22 days to raise awareness for combat veterans. Why? 22 veterans are taking their own lives every day! I have spoken about suicide on many occasions in the past and this is just a small way I can raise more […]

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Quick Ways to Find Your Peace at the Office

What’s your workday like? Do you come home, full of stress and anger? Or are you able to leave work behind and start fresh every day? If you’re like an increasing number of people today, stress from work probably follows its way home with you. In fact, nearly two-thirds of all employees say that the […]

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The referendum has happened, so how do we move forward positively from this?

Last week we wrote about the impact of the EU Referendum to highlight how the uncertainty around it was causing a degree of stress and anxiety. Then we woke up on Friday morning to the news that the British electorate had voted to leave the European Union. Some people celebrated and others went into despair. […]

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Owning your own business sounds like the perfect dream, right?

It definitely can be, however it’s important to take note that it’s not always smooth sailing. Premierline, Allianz surveyed 259 small business owners, finding that over a third worry about aspects of their business on a daily or weekly basis and 41% are more stressed now that they run their own company. What’s keeping business […]

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The importance of employee engagement

Employee engagement means creating the right conditions for all members of staff to be able to work to the best of their ability. Engaged employees are committed to their organisation’s goals and values and are motivated to contribute to organisational success with an enhanced sense of their own wellbeing. What are the benefits of employee […]

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How can returning to forgotten childhood hobbies help relieve stress?

In our day to day, busy lives, how often do we find ourselves stopping and taking a moment to take it all in and be mindful? I’m guessing, not often. Of course some people will be already on the path to mindfulness, however even I often get caught up in the hustle and bustle. Many […]

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Do you have an issue with long term absence?

The majority of organisations we work with have concerns around long term absence. The impact on the individual, the manager, the team and the workload results in everyone being affected.  According to the 2015 CIPD Absence Management Survey Report, Long Term Absence has increased. Are you aware that each year around 865,000 employee absences in […]

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Should we stay or should we go?

It’s by far one of the biggest decisions we will have to make in our lifetime. One that will affect the economy, foreign policy, immigration policy, security and sovereignty and we are all aware of its importance. Yet there is much confusion around the EU Referendum. Why? Because there are no facts; just assumptions and […]

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BMW chief’s collapse is another example of executive stress.

Stress takes its toll on Top Executive. The news has recently highlighted that BMW’s CEO Harald Krueger collapsed during a press conference at the IAA Frankfurt Motor Show last week. People were understandably shocked, including his colleagues. Not much is clear about the incident – however it has been written that before he took to […]

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Applied to Employee Engagement

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Applied to Employee Engagement We often come across clients that deal with the challenge of an unmotivated workforce and who struggle to engage them in a way that increases productivity. Employee engagement is indeed one of the core components of an effective wellbeing programme. So what motivates and engages employees? The […]

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National Workplace Wellbeing Survey Findings

We recently sent out a survey with the aim to further our understanding of the key challenges that organisations are facing when it comes to workplace wellbeing and stress. The responses have helped us gain invaluable insights into how stress is impacting the modern workplace.  The response suggests there are many some common themes that […]

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What is the reason people resort to the mindless acts of hooliganism and aggression we have seen in the media over the last few days?

I have started writing this message several times, unsure if it was relevant or even appropriate for us to send. However I feel compelled to do so. I was in Marseille last weekend for the England vs Russia game. Many of you would have witnessed the violent scenes unfolding in the media. Mindless hooliganism where […]

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Men are most at risk for stress; how can we beat it together?

This week is Men’s Health Awareness week and this year the focus is ‘together we can beat stress.’ Now, when we talk about men and health people often assume we’re talking about fitness; however fitness is only one aspect of health. Health includes elements of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Did you know? 10% […]

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How can you manage stress at work?

The workplace can often be one of the main stressors in day to day life, and while sometimes pressure can make us energised and alert, it can also have the opposite effect. A study conducted by Johansson found that repetitiveness, high demand/workload and lack of control were all factors which were linked to higher levels […]

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Here’s how to avoid failing your employees

I’ve recently been following a story in the paper about the ‘culture of fear’ in one of the biggest sportswear chains in the UK. If you haven’t come across it, the story unfolded as an investigation found that ambulances were called out at one of the chain’s factories 76 times in two years. This wasn’t […]

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The Telegraph: Exam season- the parents’ survival guide

There’s tension in the air as the start date hurtles forward with inexorable force. You can see it in the hunched shoulders, creased foreheads, and faces set granite-hard with crippling anxiety. Yes, exam season is almost upon us. But I’m not talking about the young people who will actually be sitting A-levels and GCSEs this […]

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What’s the key to happiness and fulfilment?

The 16th-22nd May is Mental Health Awareness Week and this year the focus is on relationships and the effects positive and meaningful relationship can have on mental health. A 75-year ongoing study on adult development revealed some really interesting findings about what truly makes humans happy and satisfied – Good relationships keep us happier and […]

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