It’s crucial to bear in mind that your psychology affects your physiology and vice versa!

With the sun starting to make more of a regular appearance, it makes it much easier to get out there and get involved in some physical activity – even during the day when you’re at work!

Here’s some inspiration:

  • Cycle to work, if you can. This will energise you for the day and you even get to avoid the frustration and stress of public transport or traffic jams.


  • Get active during your lunch break – go to the gym or for a jog during your lunch hour, this has proven to increase productivity and enhance work performance. If you don’t have the right facilities or time to do this, going for a walk is just as beneficial; our Creator of Opportunities always goes off for a long walk along the Grand Union canal by our office which helps her to come back from lunch rejuvenated; though we have installed shower facilities in our new office to allow people the opportunity to run.


  • Find little pockets in your day where you can add in extra physical activity e.g. park up the hill or a short walk away from work, take the stairs instead of taking the lifts, walk around the office to speak to colleagues rather than phoning or emailing, etc.


  • Have walking meetings – rather than being sat down and cooped up in the offices, walking meetings allow for fresh air, but more importantly for some fresh ideas.


  • Exercise with a buddy during lunch hours, and then you can both encourage each other. This is also a great opportunity for team building and enhancing communication with your colleagues – win-win!


little man holding SMS signs



If you would like more information on this please contact info@



Navina Cropped

Navina Bhamra, Marketing, PR & Events Pixie