‘Excelling Under Pressure:
The Stress Awareness Month
30 Day Challenge’
To mark the end of Stress Awareness Month, we are hosting a Facebook Live event at 11.00am on Thursday 30th April 2020 with our Chief De-Stressing Officer, Neil Shah.
We will focus on how to build resilience and look after yourself through lockdown and beyond. This session is interactive and you will have a chance to ask questions and explore anything that may be on your mind.
Our theme for Stress Awareness Month is ‘The 30 Day Challenge’ where we have encouraged everyone to pick one action each for your Physical, Mental and Emotional Wellbeing to carry out every day.
It takes 30 days to turn actions into habits, which is why this is a month-long programme…but not just this month, every month!
The Stress Management Society is dedicated to leading effective universal change with our passionate approach to recognising stress and promoting wellbeing since 2003. Health and wellbeing is at the very core of what we do. The uncertainty and rapidly changing situation of the Covid-19 crisis has created a lot of fear and panic – and I am sure at some point you have also experienced this.
A 30-day challenge can maximise your chances of turning useful knowledge and techniques into positive behavioural change. It is more important than ever to remember we are all in this together and we must support each other through this.
We look forward to seeing you there

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