Assess your diet

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Like oxygen and water, food is vital for our health and wellbeing. Food is our energy source and provides us with the nutrients we need to grow, fight disease and repair. Food can also either be the case of stress (as organs try to metabolise what we eat and drink), or it can aggravate  and increase the stress from which we are already suffering.


So how do we know whether our diet is causing or increasing stress?

  • Do you have a healthy balanced diet?
  • Do you eat regular meals (at least 3 a day)?
  • Do you eat breakfast?
  • Do you eat 5 portions of vegetables a day?
  • Do you eat red meat less than twice a week?
  • Do you eat fresh, home-prepared meals more than pre-prepared ready meals?

If you answered no to all or most of these questions, you need some help improving your diet to ensuring that it is not causing or increasing stress. For more tips on staying hydrated click here.