The Mirror: Headaches and trouble sleeping? You may be suffering from a ‘tech hangover’

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Do you spend most of your day staring at screens? Then you may be suffering from a tech hangover.

If you have a sore head and struggled to get out of bed this morning, last night’s glass of wine might not be to blame – you could have a TECHNOLOGY hangover.


New research has revealed more than one in three Brits (36%) suffer from regular, debilitating tech hangovers, leaving them drained, exhausted and in pain.

The research revealed physical symptoms such as eye pain cause concern for 36% of Brits and a further 17% admit they suffer from severe headaches as a result of prolonged periods of time using technology.

Almost half of Brits (45 per cent) admit too much tech leaves them exhausted – and a further 26 per cent say they feel drained after looking at a screen for too long.

But emotional factors also cause our tech hangovers – with one in 20 claiming spending too much time in the online world leaves them with regular feelings of low self-esteem.


The report shows the average Brit now spends 14 hours and 54 minutes a day attached to their mobile phone, laptop or computer.

Over a fifth (21%) claimed they find switching their brain off a struggle after a long period of time online – and 15% said staring at the screen has affected their sleep considerably.

A spokesman for from Rescue Remedy, who commissioned the survey, said: “Today, we all have extremely busy lives and technology plays an important part in keeping us connected with our friends and family as well as work.

“However, judging by the results of this survey it seems we could all benefit from taking a bit of time out from our phones and social media to help improve our wellbeing.”

But the report also revealed the average Brit checks their phone for updates 33 times on average in every 24 hours.

On average, 16 to 29-year-olds are the most active, checking their phones for social media updates 53 times a day.

Nearly a third (29%) said they were driven to check their phone in the middle of the night – with almost half (41%) admitted it is switched on all night and placed close by their bed.

A further 12% admitted they sleep with their phone on and under their pillow and 8% said they fall asleep with it somewhere in their bed.

More than a quarter (28%) of Brits say they feel ‘lost’ if their phone runs out of battery and 12% say without their phone, they suffer with FOMO (fear of missing out).

Nearly half of those surveyed (47%) said they have never tried to limit the amount of times they check their phone or social media during the day but a worried 15% say they are trying to cut back their usage to just one hour a day.

Neil Shah, chief de-stressing officer at The Stress Management Society and author of The 10-Step Stress Solution said: “In the fast moving pace of modern society, people are always ‘on’ and always ‘connected’.

“Sadly, these findings don’t surprise me; people have become so attached to their technological devices.

“Many even suffer from ‘nomophobia’, the fear of being without mobile contact, and also being addicted to your mobile phone.

“So much so, people are even taking their phone to the loo, I mention in my 10-step Stress Solution book that I walked into the toilet at a conference and was shocked to see men urinating whilst scrolling through their phone.

“Other studies have shown that technology before sleep significantly reduces the quality of our sleep.

“It is much harder to for us to achieve deep REM sleep, when we are emitted to blue light technology before sleeping, this may well be the reason that 21 per cent of people are finding it hard to switch off.

“Having your phone in your bed is exceptionally bad too. Try to move all devices that can emit blue light technology out of your bedroom or away from your bed to achieve a good night’s sleep.”


An additional 40% admitted they have thought about ditching all social media in the past but felt too concerned they would miss it.

9% revealed they have exited all of their social media in the past but quickly got FOMO (fear of missing out), and returned.

Only 16% of 16-29-year-olds, said leaving social media wouldn’t bother them but nearly a quarter (24%) admitted they is no way they would ever consider it.


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