Rushing around: all day, everyday?

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A recent report has unsurprisingly concluded that 58% of us feel that we are constantly rushing around. Rushing around often leaves us all feeling a little bit stressed, and it can even cause some people to become extremely stressed. 1 in 5 of us even admit to speeding once a week because we are running late.

This report shows how much of an issue lack of time is becoming. We are even willing to break the law to ensure we are not arriving late to places. For many rushing is natural – isn’t everyone always rushing around? Doesn’t everyone have million things to fit in to a day? Well  it doesn’t have to be and it certainly isn’t natural. The key to not rushing is staying organised and becoming organised is a lifestyle, not a temporary fix.

Some ways that you can cut down the amount of time that you spend rushing around include;

-Slow down. Change your mind-set. It is not the end of the world if you do not achieve everything that pops into your brain, or pops up in your calendar at random times of the day.

-First thing in the morning or even the night before, try to schedule everything which you need to get done that day and when it needs to be done by. This will allow you to feel cool, calm and collected throughout the day as you will have a clear indication of your priorities. This will ensure that you do not leave anything until the last minute as well.

-An easy tip is to not schedule back to back tasks or meetings etc.  Give yourself at least a 15 minute break in-between to cater for running over time on the previous task. You can never guesstimate exact timings to allocate for each task you need to do throughout the day, so remember this and you’ll feel less rushed.

-Use apps to help you stay on track! ‘Pocket ‘which is used by 22million people helps you to save videos, articles etc. to view later. Or try even setting alarms throughout the day to ensure you have completed tasks on time. For example, in the morning, I set alarms every 10 minutes. In each 10 minute slot I give myself a certain amount of things that I need to complete before moving on to the next step of my morning routine. This allows me personally to stop wasting time doing silly things that do not need to be done that second, or getting distracted. This makes my mornings a lot less stressful.

-Say no sometimes, see our recent blog post for tips on how to say no without feeling guilty!